Eileen Richter



  • Pediatric Occupational Therapist
  • Professional Development Clinician
  • Published Author
Eileen's Innovations

How do you keep a baby or toddler engaged in a tiny home?

This question inspired Eileen Richter, an experienced occupational therapist and movement expert, to create the "Baby Boundex." Her first prototypes quickly became a favorite at family gatherings, where little ones enjoyed exploring the soft, bouncy space. Watching them play, Eileen realized the Boundex could benefit many more children.

When Eileen partnered with Tumbl Trak in 2012, her insights into the benefits of soft, responsive Lycra showed just how perfectly the Boundex aligned with Tumbl Trak’s mission of creating safe, innovative, and practical products.

Today, the Boundex is used in clinical settings worldwide by Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, trauma centers, school programs, and more. Families, too, have “jumped on board,” finding the Boundex a wonderful source of enriching and soothing sensory experiences for the home.

Thanks to Eileen’s vision and innovation, this patented design is making a global impact.

Boundex Cuddle Box
Eileen In Action
Grow Through Movement
Explore the versatile ways therapists and families use the Boundex for movement and sensory development
Eileen's Story

Eileen Richter, MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA has over 30 years’ experience working with a variety of disability groups in public schools, hospitals, and private practice. She has her Master of Public Health degree in Maternal & Child Health, is NDT certified, and has published a number of books.

Eileen has lectured extensively throughout the US, Asia, and Europe on topics related to sensory-motor dysfunction in children.

She is a Fellow of the AOTA and has directed Avanti-Camp, an intensive sensory integration camp using an advanced treatment model.

Ms. Richter continues to support the development of the camp and other treatment models while designing and developing therapeutic equipment including the Boundex!

The Boundex provides soft layers of lycra for stretching and supervised play.

Eileen designed the Boundex more than 20 years ago!

Children engage in supervised play in the Boundex while building strength and balance.

Therapists enjoy sessions using the Boundex as much as the children!

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