Karissa Johnson


  • Author - Spectrabilities, Inclusion Gymnastics Training & Programming
  • Owner - Spectra Gymnastics
  • Regional and National Presenter for USA Gymnastics
  • ABA Therapist since 2008
Karissa's Top Picks

"We've nicknamed this product the rainbow swing/hot air balloon. The Fitness Wheel is the most versatile product I've ever used. This swing setup provides the ultimate sensory experience with benefits like regulation, calming, vestibular input, and balance."

"From motor planning to skill development, children of all ages and abilities can enjoy the air barrel. I love to suspend this as a swing, or place it in between cradles to stabilize it. If space is limited, it can easily be deflated for easy storage."
"Young children thrive with visual supports and that's exactly what I use the Sticky Manipulatives for. I love using these in obstacle courses to number each station or using the arrows to show the direction of the courses."
"In my gym, we don't have a foam pit. With over 200 sensory-seeking kids, this mat allows children to safely meet their sensory needs. Kids can safely crash into the mat and the foam density provides a unique sensory experience."

Karissa On Stage

In “A Playspace for All”, Karissa shares strategies in behavior and classroom management from her Portland location.

Karissa's Story

Karissa Johnson is an industry expert in special needs programming and neurodiversity. She owns and operates Spectra Gymnastics- which is a gymnastics and therapy clinic exclusively catering to children with developmental & intellectual disabilities. Through her 20 years of experience, she has developed online training courses and curriculum available through SpectraAbilities. Karissa has been an ambassador for Tumbl Trak since 2015 and enjoys being active in her community.

Always up for fun with the Fitness Wheel!

Engaging with children at their level is a trademark of Karissa's style.

Karissa with Coach Tony at a Tumbl Trak Ambasador gathering.

Providing rich sensory experiences and play at Spectra Gymnastics!

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